- Who We Are
- What We Do
- Markets We Serve
Project Experience
Rail & Transit
- PANYNJ Port Authority Bus Terminal Facility Upgrades and Improvements
- PANYNJ Replacement & Upgrade of the Christopher Street Substation & Harrison Station
- AMTRAK New Jersey High Speed Rail Improvement Program
- NJ Transit Morrisville Train Storage Yard, Phase II
- Elizabeth Train Station, Platform Replacement & Station Facilities
- Green Line Extension (GLX)
- PANYNJ Bus Terminal Replacement Program
- PANYNJ ARK Terminal
- PANYNJ JFK Airport Infrastructure Improvements
- PANYNJ LGA Redevelopment Program
- PANYNJ LGA Substation & East Parking Garage
- PANYNJ Newark Liberty (EWR) Airport Terminal 1 Redevelopment
- PANYNJ On-Call CM Services at Newark Liberty International Airport
- PANYNJ JFK The New Terminal One
- PANYNJ JFK Terminal 4 Delta Expansion Phase 2
- PANYNJ JFK Airport Redevelopment Program
Water & Waste Water
- NYCDEP 26th Ward WWTP Preliminary Treatment Reliability Improvements and High Level Sewage Pump Replacement
- NYCDEP 26th Ward WWTP Reconstruction
- NYCDEP Avenue V Pumping Station & Force Main Upgrades
- NYCDEP Catskill and Delaware Water Treatment Ultra Violet Facility
- NYCDEP Coney Island Primary Settling Tanks Odor Control & Building Reconstruction
- NYCDEP Croton Water Filtration Plant
- NYCDEP Hunts Point Phase IV - Carbon Addition
- NYCDEP Hunts Point WWTP Phase I, II, III
- NYCDEP Hunts Point WWTP Phase III Digestors Upgrade
- NYCDEP Kensico Flow Control Improvements
- NYCDEP Newtown Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant
- NYCDEP North River Co-Generation and Electrification Upgrades
- NYCDEP North River WWTP Contracts NR33 & NR35
- NYCDEP Rehabilitation of Delaware Aqueduct Shafts 9, 10 & 17 and Other Related Facilities
- NYCDEP Upstate Watershed Miscellaneous Projects
- NYCDEP Wards Island Grit Chambers Reconstruction in Manhattan and Bronx
- NYCDEP Wards Island WWTP Chemical & Petroleum Bulk Storage Facility Upgrades
- NYCDEP Wards Island WWTP Interim Plant Upgrade
- NYCDEP Cross River Croton Falls Pumping Station and Related Facilities Upgrades
- NYCDEP Rockaway WWTP Super Storm Sandy Emergency Recovery Services
- NYCDEP 26th Ward Emergency Generator Upgrade
- City of Baltimore DPW Druid Lakes
- City of Baltimore DPW Headworks & Wet Equalization at the Back River WWTP
- City of Baltimore DPW Old York Road and Vicinity Water Mains Replacements
- City of Baltimore DPW Water Main Replacements and Sewer Rehabilitation
- Nassau County DPW Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant Electrical Distribution System Phases E2 & E3
- Nassau County DPW WPCP Phase I, Storm Water Pumping Station, East Rockaway, NY
- DC Water Utilities & Infrastructure Upgrades outside Blue Plains WWTP
- DC Water Green Infrastructure in Rock Creek and Potomac River
- Nassau County DPW Glen Cove WWTP - Sludge Dewatering Improvements
- Nassau County DPW Glen Cove Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Treatment System Improvements
- Nassau County DPW Cedar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant for the Electrical Improvement System
- NYCDEP Flushing Bay CSO Retention Facility
- NYCDEP PW-101 Various BWT Locations
- NYCDEP Owls Head Wastewater Treatment Plant
- NYCDEP BNR Upgrades at the Coney Island & Rockaway Wastewater Treatment Plants
Vertical Construction
- NJTA Facilities Improvements Program
- MTA-TBTA Wards Island Training Facility
- PANYNJ ARK Terminal
- Nassau County DPW Public Buildings
- PANYNJ Various Facilities Upgrades and Improvements
- NYCDEP Wards Island WWTP Chemical & Petroleum Bulk Storage Facilities Upgrade
- Bristol Borough Public School District K-8 Grade School
- NJSCC Irvington School District Upgrades an Renovations at Various Schools
- NJSCC Victor Mravlag School No. 21
- School District of Philadelphia New Samuel Fels High School
- Verona Board of Education Laning School
- Verona Board of Education Southern Regional Middle School
- Woodcliff Lake School District Woodcliff Middle Lake School and Dorchester Elementary School
- NYCHA Project Control Quality Assurance and Performance Management
- NYCHA Health Homes Department QA & Performance Management
- NYCHA Oversight for Boiler Replacement and DHWS at Johnson and Mott Haven Houses
- NYCDDC Annadale Road Storm and Sanitary Sewer Lines
- NYCDDC Distribution Water Main Extensions and Replacement in South Queens
- NYCDDC Edgegrove and Ionia Avenue
- NYCDDC Preliminary & Final Design Services for Complex Pedestrian Ramps, Borough of Brooklyn
- NYCDDC Green Infrastructure in Flushing Creek
- NYCDDC Installation of Distribution Water Mains and Appurtenances for New Building Construction in Manhattan
- NYCDDC Installation of Storm Sewer in 115th Street in College Point
- NYCDDC Multi-Site Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Manhattan
- NYCDDC Petroleum Storage Tanks Upgrade
- NYCDDC Reconstruction of Broadway Phase I
- NYCDDC Reconstruction of Clifford Place Step Street
- NYCDDC Reconstruction of Flushing Avenue -- Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Initiative
- NYCDDC Replacements of Storm & Sanitary Sewer and Water Main on 58th Avenue and 185th Street
- NYCDDC Resurfacing, Pavement Improvements and General Repairs at Various Locations
- NYCDDC Sidewalks Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
- NYCDDC Storm and Sanitary Sewers in Harvest Avenue
- NYCDDC Storm and Sanitary Sewers in South Railroad Street
- NYCDDC Water Main work at Various Locations in Queens
- NYCEDC 125th Street and Park Avenue Public Realm
- NYCEDC Water Street Corridor Improvements
- No Image Test
Tunneling & Design-Build
- WMATA Section E-4B
- Con Edison Unionport HDD
- East Windsor Township Water Main improvements through HDD
- NJ Transit ARC Tunnel
- PANYNJ Superstorm Sandy Emergency Projects at Holland Tunnel
- PANYNJ Various Projects at Holland Tunnel
- PANYNJ Various Projects at Holland & Lincoln Tunnel Rehabilitation and Repair Projects
- Design & Engineering Services
Rail & Transit
- Announcements
NYCDEP Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Upgrades at the COney Island and Rockaway Wastewater Treatment Plants.

Project Scope
Techno as a subconsultant to Arcadis, provided Resident Engineering services at the Coney Island and Rockaway Wastewater Treatment Plants. This project consisted of Level 1 Step Feed Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Upgrades at both Wastewater Treatment Plants.
The following upgrades were implemented:
Coney Island WWTP
- Baffle Walls: Provide one per aeration tank pass, 16 total
- Mixers: Provide two mixers each in aeration tank passes A, B and C swing zones; three in aeration tank pass D swing zone; nine mixers per tank, 36 mixers total
- Froth Control:
- Provide a combined surface wasting (SWAS) and froth collection and transfer system in the aeration tanks. Two SWAS/froth transfer pump stations (one each for the east and west battery aeration tanks) and common force main for transfer to the WAS wet well
- Provide two tote based polymer systems for polymer makeup and addition to the plant effluent spray water system and RAS line serving the aeration tanks
Rockaway WWTP
- Installing concrete baffle walls and hyerbolic mixers to create axoxic zones in each pass of all four aeration tanks (16 total passes)
- Remove and replace existing diffusers, local isolation valves, process air piping and concrete supports in all passes
- Replace existing process air distribution piping and local control valves; add new distribution piping and local isolation valves for new anoxic zones
- Install polymer storage and blending units within existing structure; tie into existing spray water and return activated sludge system
- Refurbish and startup existing spray water system with polymer addition
- Replace leaking gaskets on process air header pipe (limited to piping in the Air Distribution Building on the deck of the aeration tanks)
- Install blow-off valves on main blower air header
- Install one DO monitor per pass in oxic zones with local indication and readout in the Air Distribution Building
- Perform structural inspection and repairs on spalled concrete and expansion joints in all ATs where determined appropriate upon inspection and determination by the Resident Engineer
Project Overview
Project Owner:
Point of Contact Name:
Arcadis (Malcolm Pirnie)
Christopher Flynn, P.E., CCM
Resident Engineer
Construction Cost:
$70 billion
Completion Date: