- Who We Are
- What We Do
- Markets We Serve
Project Experience
Rail & Transit
- PANYNJ Port Authority Bus Terminal Facility Upgrades and Improvements
- PANYNJ Replacement & Upgrade of the Christopher Street Substation & Harrison Station
- AMTRAK New Jersey High Speed Rail Improvement Program
- NJ Transit Morrisville Train Storage Yard, Phase II
- Elizabeth Train Station, Platform Replacement & Station Facilities
- Green Line Extension (GLX)
- PANYNJ Bus Terminal Replacement Program
- PANYNJ ARK Terminal
- PANYNJ JFK Airport Infrastructure Improvements
- PANYNJ LGA Redevelopment Program
- PANYNJ LGA Substation & East Parking Garage
- PANYNJ Newark Liberty (EWR) Airport Terminal 1 Redevelopment
- PANYNJ On-Call CM Services at Newark Liberty International Airport
- PANYNJ JFK The New Terminal One
- PANYNJ JFK Terminal 4 Delta Expansion Phase 2
- PANYNJ JFK Airport Redevelopment Program
Water & Waste Water
- NYCDEP 26th Ward WWTP Preliminary Treatment Reliability Improvements and High Level Sewage Pump Replacement
- NYCDEP 26th Ward WWTP Reconstruction
- NYCDEP Avenue V Pumping Station & Force Main Upgrades
- NYCDEP Catskill and Delaware Water Treatment Ultra Violet Facility
- NYCDEP Coney Island Primary Settling Tanks Odor Control & Building Reconstruction
- NYCDEP Croton Water Filtration Plant
- NYCDEP Hunts Point Phase IV - Carbon Addition
- NYCDEP Hunts Point WWTP Phase I, II, III
- NYCDEP Hunts Point WWTP Phase III Digestors Upgrade
- NYCDEP Kensico Flow Control Improvements
- NYCDEP Newtown Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant
- NYCDEP North River Co-Generation and Electrification Upgrades
- NYCDEP North River WWTP Contracts NR33 & NR35
- NYCDEP Rehabilitation of Delaware Aqueduct Shafts 9, 10 & 17 and Other Related Facilities
- NYCDEP Upstate Watershed Miscellaneous Projects
- NYCDEP Wards Island Grit Chambers Reconstruction in Manhattan and Bronx
- NYCDEP Wards Island WWTP Chemical & Petroleum Bulk Storage Facility Upgrades
- NYCDEP Wards Island WWTP Interim Plant Upgrade
- NYCDEP Cross River Croton Falls Pumping Station and Related Facilities Upgrades
- NYCDEP Rockaway WWTP Super Storm Sandy Emergency Recovery Services
- NYCDEP 26th Ward Emergency Generator Upgrade
- City of Baltimore DPW Druid Lakes
- City of Baltimore DPW Headworks & Wet Equalization at the Back River WWTP
- City of Baltimore DPW Old York Road and Vicinity Water Mains Replacements
- City of Baltimore DPW Water Main Replacements and Sewer Rehabilitation
- Nassau County DPW Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant Electrical Distribution System Phases E2 & E3
- Nassau County DPW WPCP Phase I, Storm Water Pumping Station, East Rockaway, NY
- DC Water Utilities & Infrastructure Upgrades outside Blue Plains WWTP
- DC Water Green Infrastructure in Rock Creek and Potomac River
- Nassau County DPW Glen Cove WWTP - Sludge Dewatering Improvements
- Nassau County DPW Glen Cove Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Treatment System Improvements
- Nassau County DPW Cedar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant for the Electrical Improvement System
- NYCDEP Flushing Bay CSO Retention Facility
- NYCDEP PW-101 Various BWT Locations
- NYCDEP Owls Head Wastewater Treatment Plant
- NYCDEP BNR Upgrades at the Coney Island & Rockaway Wastewater Treatment Plants
Vertical Construction
- NJTA Facilities Improvements Program
- MTA-TBTA Wards Island Training Facility
- PANYNJ ARK Terminal
- Nassau County DPW Public Buildings
- PANYNJ Various Facilities Upgrades and Improvements
- NYCDEP Wards Island WWTP Chemical & Petroleum Bulk Storage Facilities Upgrade
- Bristol Borough Public School District K-8 Grade School
- NJSCC Irvington School District Upgrades an Renovations at Various Schools
- NJSCC Victor Mravlag School No. 21
- School District of Philadelphia New Samuel Fels High School
- Verona Board of Education Laning School
- Verona Board of Education Southern Regional Middle School
- Woodcliff Lake School District Woodcliff Middle Lake School and Dorchester Elementary School
- NYCHA Project Control Quality Assurance and Performance Management
- NYCHA Health Homes Department QA & Performance Management
- NYCHA Oversight for Boiler Replacement and DHWS at Johnson and Mott Haven Houses
- NYCDDC Annadale Road Storm and Sanitary Sewer Lines
- NYCDDC Distribution Water Main Extensions and Replacement in South Queens
- NYCDDC Edgegrove and Ionia Avenue
- NYCDDC Preliminary & Final Design Services for Complex Pedestrian Ramps, Borough of Brooklyn
- NYCDDC Green Infrastructure in Flushing Creek
- NYCDDC Installation of Distribution Water Mains and Appurtenances for New Building Construction in Manhattan
- NYCDDC Installation of Storm Sewer in 115th Street in College Point
- NYCDDC Multi-Site Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Manhattan
- NYCDDC Petroleum Storage Tanks Upgrade
- NYCDDC Reconstruction of Broadway Phase I
- NYCDDC Reconstruction of Clifford Place Step Street
- NYCDDC Reconstruction of Flushing Avenue -- Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Initiative
- NYCDDC Replacements of Storm & Sanitary Sewer and Water Main on 58th Avenue and 185th Street
- NYCDDC Resurfacing, Pavement Improvements and General Repairs at Various Locations
- NYCDDC Sidewalks Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
- NYCDDC Storm and Sanitary Sewers in Harvest Avenue
- NYCDDC Storm and Sanitary Sewers in South Railroad Street
- NYCDDC Water Main work at Various Locations in Queens
- NYCEDC 125th Street and Park Avenue Public Realm
- NYCEDC Water Street Corridor Improvements
- No Image Test
Tunneling & Design-Build
- WMATA Section E-4B
- Con Edison Unionport HDD
- East Windsor Township Water Main improvements through HDD
- NJ Transit ARC Tunnel
- PANYNJ Superstorm Sandy Emergency Projects at Holland Tunnel
- PANYNJ Various Projects at Holland Tunnel
- PANYNJ Various Projects at Holland & Lincoln Tunnel Rehabilitation and Repair Projects
- Design & Engineering Services
Rail & Transit
- Announcements

Project Scope
Techno Consult has served as a Prime CM Consultant for the Port Authority over the last ten years, and has worked across every major facility and transportation hub. Techno is providing oversight of construction activities and coordination of work for projects at the Holland Tunnel, related to infrastructure and building work. These projects include the following:
Project: HT-224.008 $67M Holland Tunnel Ventilation Rehabilitation
Replace all Ventilation fans in the Holland Tunnel NY/NJ Land and River Buildings, including replacing and adding electrical power upgrades. Managed installation of ventilation fans, installing electrical systems; including switchgears, transformers, 5KV Power, control systems, VFD’s, etc.
Project: HT-35A: $3.5M Rehabilitation of Existing Electrical and Mechanical Holland Tunnel Ventilation System and Accessories
The project included replacement of 84 ventilation fans including repairs of Supply/Exhaust dampers and their ancillaries including the rehabilitation of instrumentation, sensors and building automation systems. Revision of software and networking required for emergency situations and modifying firefighting and alarm systems. Replaced VFD meeting varying speeds and ensuring installation was compatible with new ventilation fan electric motors.
Project: HT-029A: $1.2M Rehabilitation of Existing Storm Water Drain Piping in Holland Tunnel Equipment Building in NY & NJ
The project included replacement of building drainage systems including area drains, floor drains, drain pipes and storm pipes in Ventilation Buildings.
Project: $600k Installation of the New Chiller Unit at Holland Tunnel Toll Plaza
The project included replacement of an existing Chiller Unit with a new Unit including installation of all accessories i.e. pumps, sensors and control panels.
Project: $1.5M Renovation of Fire Fighting Equipment and Installation of the new 14” Fire Fighting Line at Holland Tunnel NJ South
The project included installation of new Fire Fighting Equipment including new Fire Hose Cabinets, Fire Hydrants, Siamese Connections, Leak Sensors and Digital Control Valves and final connection to the SCADA System.
Project Overview
Project Owner:
Point of Contact Name:
Ron Shaw
241 Erie Street
Jersey City, NJ, 07310
Engineer of Construction
Construction Cost:
Completion Date: